Tax-Exempt Ordering Now Streamlined

Thu, 04/25/2024 - 11:32 By Dave Brooks
  HomeOnline ordersPurchase ordersTax-exemptPayment termsInternationalSUMRefunds
tax-exempt on the web order form

Tax-exempt orders on our website now work fairly and in your favor if you are with a qualifying organization.

Our web store provider enabled a new feature that asks if you are tax-exempt. This change happened as of June 25, 2021.

If you are with a qualified organization, the web order form allows you to enter your tax jurisdiction and tax-exempt ID. Just click the link.

The vendor told us today in a Zoom call that 96 jurisdictions worldwide are covered, and as fast as they can secure electronic verification, they will continue to add new locations.

This is a substantial change for customers who ordered previously. You no longer need to pay the full amount, then use a separate step to challenge the sales tax and apply for a refund. That was not in anyone's best interest! We are so very pleased that our vendor fixed this.

The tax-exempt feature also works (starting now) on the pay links we send out with quotes.

tax exempt on quote pay-link