Will RPM support network printers?

Sat, 06/22/2019 - 15:47 By Dave Brooks

Q: Will RPM Remote Print Manager® ("RPM") support network printers?

A: RPM version 6 and beyond have IP Print and LPR Print actions which support network printers directly.

What is IP Print?

IP Print sends jobs directly to a printer using the "raw" method, or telnet. It uses port 9100 and sends the job as a stream. This is very widely supported by printers.

RPM can also receive using this method. Sometimes in-house we use it as a loopback, like this:

  1. Send a job to RPM
  2. RPM processes the job on a Windows printer
  3. However, the port monitor for this printer is a TCP/IP monitor that sends the print job using Telnet or LPR. Of course, we're using Telnet in this example.
  4. RPM receives the newly generated print job. 

Typically the configurations we see, and the ones we use in-house, store the newly generated print ready files.

What is LPR Print?

LPR Print sends a print job to a printer, or print host. It uses the LPR protocol to send, the same way that RPM uses to receive.

RPM has a built-in action to do LPR Print. 

An alternate approach: using Pylpr

There is a third method we recommend, and that is to use the pylpr program we provide in the RPM install. Pylpr is a command line program for sending print jobs. It has excellent functionality and flexibility. We use pylpr extensively in RPM testing. 

You can run the command


in a command prompt. The program will list the options.

You would use the Filter Action to run pylpr from RPM.