Payments and terms

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How to contact our Sales team

  1. Nearly every page on our site lists our international, domestic and toll-free phone numbers. When the auto-attendant answers, use option 3
  2. Our hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Mountain Time (same as Denver and Boise)
  3. Also, on our contact form, you'll find our address and fax numbers, plus a web contact form. You can select "Sales" in the field marked "Send message to:"


Checks must be in US Dollars drawn from a US Bank.

Pay link

Our quotes have a pay link. Also, on request, we can add a pay link to any invoice we email.


We can accept ACH payments. For more information, please use our contact form to contact the Sales department, or give us a call. The number appears on the Contact page, plus nearly every page on this website.

Credit cards

Please note: we no longer accept credit cards given to us over the phone, email, fax, or any other means.

Please ask for a QuickBooks paylink using the contact form for Sales, or use the purchase links (with the product code, such as R6E1) on this products page.

Please note that we no longer accept credit cards directly
Our alternatives are spelled out just above

Wire transfers

For any orders below $400, the charge for wire transfers is an additional $25.00. Above $400, there is no charge. Please contact the Sales team to request account information, SWIFT code, etc.

Please note that if you use a pay link, you can avoid those charges! Just let us know upfront that you will use the pay link. We will deduct the wire fees from the quote or invoice.


We must approve orders on account in advance. Terms are:

  • Net 30
  • Net 60 only by prior agreement
  • Any terms 90 days and beyond are Notes Receivable, require an approved credit application, and are subject to interest (currently 10% annual).