RPM Select unable to add page separator settings

Dear  Sir / Ma'am


I am using above mentioned RPM Version and i added a Epson LQ-2180 printer on windows-7 64 Bit and same that printer i shared on SCO Openserver (UNIX), now problem is that when a user send a print job printer do perform the job but it does not eject the page when second user send the job means Second user's Job starting location is from first user's ending location,

so it should not be like that print must start the printing on new page for other users....


Yours Reply's Will be Highly Appreciated.


please do resolve the above problem... i will be very thankful....

It would be helpful if you were to provide additional information such as what action you are using with RPM to send the job to the printer and what transforms or other things you have tried to solve the issue. I believe the Epson LQ-2180 printer is a line printer and line printers require a form feed character between print jobs. My guess is that your jobs to not contain a trailing form feed. You can try adding an Append Bytes transform to the queue. In the dialog, click the FF button to add a form feed. After doing so, you should see \f added to the bytes list. \f is the symbol for form feed.
Thu, 04/20/2017 - 08:26