Installation and Activation of RPM 6.1 video

Install and Activate RPMWe have introduced a video "Installation and Activation of RPM 6.1" that describes the process to install RPM Remote Print Manager® ("RPM").

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The installer requires an account with administrative privileges since RPM includes a system service.

The installer contains three packages:

  1. the redistributable runtime packages
  2. the Firebird SQL database
  3. The files and programs which comprise RPM itself


The install package creates a firewall exception for RPM, then starts the RPM service.


If you run the user interface after installation, which is the default, you'll notice that it displays the trial status and the devices available during the trial.

The video demonstrates licensing the software with the user interface. We describe the two options for activation: Internet activation and manual activation.

Once the license is activated the user interface shows you the unlock date and the date of your support renewal for this license. We help you copy this information to the clipboard or print.

We also show the module status tab which contains the status of optional licensed modules.

When the RPM license is activated, the user interface shows your licensed user and company, as well as the number of devices you have enabled in this license.


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You can view this video directly at Installation and Activation of RPM 6.1