When sending a print job to RPM, the email variable always comes back as "email". How do we set the variable when creating or sending the job?
When sending a print job to RPM, the email variable always comes back as "email". How do we set the variable when creating or sending the job?
I doubt this is even possible
AS/400 assistance falls outside our normal support, and unfortunately, I don't know of any way for the AS/400 to send valid data in the LPR/LPD mail field in the control file. The mail field, actually called "mail when printed", is so rarely supported by any print clients that sometimes I wonder why RPM even supports it at all. I suppose we try to offer the most functionality of any other print server just in case a print client happens to support that feature.
If you had a way to get the email address in the main part of the print job, and if you have RPM Elite, you can use the data extraction transform to get the email address into the mail field. Otherwise, I don't have another suggestion.