Q: How do I set up the LPR/LPD service in OpenVMS to print through RPM Remote Print Manager®?
A: OpenVMS stores printer configuration in the SYS$SPECIFIC[TCPIP$LPD]:TCPIP$PRINTCAP.DAT. This file is similar in syntax to a UNIX /etc/printcap file. You also need to add the hostname of the computer to the UCX$HOST.DAT file.
First, the LPD services must be enabled using the UCX utility. To do this, follow these steps.
- From the system account, start the configuration utility for UCX using the @ucx$config command.
- Select Client Components and verify whether or not LPD is enabled. If not, enable it now.
- Exit back to the main menu and select Server Components. Once again, if LPD is disabled, enable it now.
- Restart UCX by rebooting or restarting it from the main menu.
Next, the RPM host's DNS name must be entered in the UCX$HOST.DAT file. This tells OpenVMS that the RPM host is a valid printer on the network.
- Start the UCX utility using the UCX command.
- Add the DNS name of the RPM host in the UCX host database using the following command: set host "print1" /address= /alias="PRINT1"
- print1: The DNS name of the RPM host
- The IP address of the RPM host
- PRINT1: An alternate DNS name of the RPM host
Note that VMS is not case sensitive, but UCX is. In UCX, PRINT1 and print1 are different.
Finally, create a printer.
- Start the LPR utility using the following command: run SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$LPRSETUP.EXE
- When LPRSETUP starts, select Add to add a print queue. The utility will prompt you for the following information.
- Printer name to add: The name of the print queue in VMS.
- Printer Type (remote / local): Choose remote for an RPM printer.
- Printer Synonym: Synonyms are alternate names for the printer. When finished entering synonyms, press return on a blank line to continue.
- Spool Directory: We suggest accepting the default directory.
- Remote System Name: The hostname entered in the ucx database
- Remote Printer Name: The name of the RPM queue.
- Log File: The location where log files will be stored.
- You are next prompted to modify any symbol. Review to determine if any errors were made during LPRSETUP. If not, select q to quit.
- When prompted to start the print queue. Select yes.
If the lpd_startup.com file is included with your version of UCX, include it in the sys$manager:ucx$lpd_startup.com file. This allows the print queues to start automatically when restarting the OpenVMS system.