Printing to an Epilog Legend Engraver

Sun, 06/30/2019 - 19:48 By Dave Brooks

Q: I'm having trouble printing through INTELLIscribe® to an Epilog Legend Engraver.

Some problems are as follows:

  • The status window shows "submitted" or "started", but the job never prints
  • A message stating "List index out of bounds(0)" is received
  • The job prints but says "Failed" in the status window
  • A job prints over and over again 

A: These steps should resolve most issues when spooling print jobs to Epilog Legend Engravers:

  1. Upgrade to the latest version of INTELLIscribe. This can be downloaded here.
  2. In the virtual printer port wizard, configure the "Relax port restr" parameter to "no".
  3. In the virtual printer port wizard, configure the "Data File Ack" parameter to "no".
  4. In the virtual printer port wizard, configure the "LPD queue name" parameter to "Legend".

If the problems are still not solved, verify that your TCP/IP network configuration is correct. If you already have a network at your location, contact your system administrator for help on configuring your engraver and PC correctly.

If you are in an environment with only a single PC and an engraver, verify the following:

Your engraver and PC must have a different IP address

The default IP address for Epilog Engravers is and the subnet mask is You must configure the computer's IP address to be similar (on the same network of 192.168.98), but not identical. We suggest setting it to and subnet mask the same Once this is accomplished and the computer is restarted, try pinging the engraver with the command


Your configuration is correct if you receive four replies to your ping.

If you are connecting through a network hub

Verify that your network cables are "straight through" cables. Straight-through cables should be used in this instance because the hub accomplishes cross-over.

If you are connecting directly to the Engraver from the PC

Verify that your network cable is a "cross-over" cable. Cross-over cables are used in this instance to provide the network with proper "listening" and "talking" wires.