RPM 6 - Installation Guide

Prior to installing RPM, log in as Administrator or another account with administrative privileges.

Minimum Requirements

  • An Intel-compatible computer; 800MHz  minimum.
  • Microsoft Windows Vista or Server 2008 or later
  • 512 MB memory minimum. 2 GB or more is recommended.
  • 250 MB free disk space for installed binaries and other files.
  • Adequate disk space for incoming data - 1 GB minimum recommended.

Note: Additional requirements may be necessary depending on the quantity and size of print jobs received and the complexity of your queue configuration.

Install RPM

  1. Download the RPM distribution you purchased or wish to test from our Downloads page.
  2. Run the installer. At the Welcome screen, click Next.
  3. License Agreement After reading and agreeing to the terms of the end-user license agreement, choose I accept the agreement and click Next to proceed. If you do not accept the terms, setup will not continue.
  4. Firebird Admin User RPM requires Firebird, the open-source database utility, and will use the account you provide to create a new account for RPM. If you have changed the default administrator password, enter it here. Click Next. Note that if Firebird is not already installed, this page will not be displayed.
  5. Third-party Products: JetPCL RPM Elite setup can additionally install JetPCL, a third-party PCL interpreter to provide advanced PCL functionality. If you decide during the course of testing you require JetPCL, a separate license from Tech Know Systems will be required.
  6. Select Destination Location Click Browse if you want to change the destination location for RPM. We recommend you accept the default: C:\Program Files\Brooks Internet Software\RPM. Click Next.
  7. Ready to Install Review the installation summary and click Install. If Firebird is not already installed, it will be at this time and, if you chose to install it, the JetPCL setup will begin. We recommend accepting the JetPCL setup defaults. RPM will be installed after these tasks have completed. During installation, an exception is added to the Windows Firewall to enable printing.
  8. Completing Setup Setup may prompt you restart your computer in certain circumstances. If prompted, choose Yes. Otherwise, choose whether or not to start the RPM GUI and click Finish to complete setup.

The RPM service is configured to start automatically. To begin configuring it, open the user-interface by selecting the RPM icon from the program group in the Start menu. The user-interface is not required, nor does a user need to be logged-in to the computer, for RPM to receive and process print requests.