Q: Do you have any documentation on how to print to RPM Remote Print Manager® ("RPM") under Solaris 7/Sparc?
A: Yes, use the following steps:
- Start the admintool.
- Go to Browse / Printers.
- Now go to Edit / Add / Access to Printer.
- In the "Printer Name" field, type the name of the queue name set up in RPM. (ex. RPM_Queue)
- In the "Print Server" field, type the name of the host running RPM. (ex. RPM_PC:IP Address may work here also)
- Click OK until you have exited the admintool.
You have now created a virtual printer on your Solaris box. When you want to print, simply issue this command:
lp -d RPM_PC:RPM_Queue /path/to/filename