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The status readback commands are a class of commands sent to RPM Remote Print Manager® ("RPM") by your print application. The AppSocket protocol in RPM scans for these commands and responds as a compatible printer might. We get these responses from printers in our own network; you can also add your own emulations with a utility we provide.
Command | Notes |
@PJL JOB | @PJL USTATUS JOB followed by START, job name, job ID |
@PJL EOJ | @PJL USTATUS JOB followed by END, job name, PAGES = 1, job ID and RESULT=OK |
@PJL TIMED non-zero-value | According to a timer, RPM will respond with @PJL USTATUS TIMED plus the device status |
@PJL INFO variable-name | RPM responds with values stored in the emulation for variables defined by the original printer |
@PJL INFO PAGECOUNT | If the PAGECOUNT variable is specified RPM returns the value contained in the emulation. This value is static, never incremented. |
@PJL INFO STATUS | Several PJL commands return the device status. It contains the status variables and values at the time we built the emulation by querying your printer. This value is not updated unless the PJL SET commands override values.
Commands which return the status values include:
@PJL USTATUS JOB | RPM sends this response on an ENTER LANGUAGE command if USTATUS JOB is ON. NAME is the only value returned. |