INTELLIscribe • Virtual printer port • Policies • Protocol options • Destination • Name
Host-specific information for each destination is required to set up each Virtual Printer Port. This step has protocol-specific attributes. You may also customize user- or network-specific information for each destination.
Note: Always attempt to print using the default settings first and then modify these settings as needed. Normally, the default attributes are sufficient.
LPD Options Parameter List
- Queue Name: This is a required parameter. Name of the queue on the LPD server.
- Copies: Request that the print server prints a specified number of copies.
- Port Restriction: Configures the LPR/LPD client port restriction. Available settings are:
- Relaxed: no restrictions on available client ports.
- Standard: any port less than 1024 can be used.
- Strict: only ports in the range of 721-731 are used.
- Print Banner: Request that a banner page is printed with the document or not.
- Indent Count: Tell the printer what the left margin is; depends on the Print Format setting.
- E-mail Address: Request that the print server sends email to the recipient specified here.
- Page Width: Specifies the text width of the document.
- Banner Class: Sets the class name to be printed on the banner page.
- Print Format: Informs the LPD what type of file is being sent. The default is preformatted.
- Reverse Order: Forces the application to send the control file last.
- Control File Ack: Wait for an acknowledgment after sending the control file before proceeding.
- Data File Ack: Wait for an acknowledgment that the data file was received before proceeding.
- LPD Status: Select whether you want to receive a long or short queue status when testing.
JetDirect Parameter List
- Print Banner: Forces INTELLIscribe to insert a PCL banner page prior to spooling.
- Copies: Request that the print server generates a specified number of copies.
- Solicit Device Status: Request status about the JetDirect device while printing.
- Solicit Job Status: Request status about the print job while printing.
- Solicit Page Status: Request status about the current page while printing.
- Query Status: These settings specify information requested when querying the destination.
- ID: The model number of the printer (i.e. Laserjet 4).
- Status: Obtain the current status of the printer.
- Config: Obtain configuration information, such as the paper sizes available.
- File System: Obtain PJL file system information.
- Memory: Determine the amount of memory the printer has.
- Page: Obtain the number of pages printed by the current print engine.
- Variable: Obtains environmental and printer variables, possible values, and current settings.
- USTATUS: Obtains the unsolicited status variables, possible values, and their current settings.