Purchase INTELLIscribe

Fri, 06/19/2020 - 17:36 By Dave Brooks

Purchase INTELLIscribe $395 USD

Increase your print output options:

What we offer

INTELLIscribe® connects your Windows print output to network printers. INTELLIscribe adds print job management to this simple task by adding these capabilities to simple one-printer output:

  • Broadcast printing sends the same job to any number of printers
  • Failover printing rescues print jobs from failed printers and reroutes to alternates
  • Round robin printing shares print jobs equally among a group of printers
  • Destination balancing distributes print jobs based on the size, so printers use roughly equal resources

The user interface includes logging, drag and drop, reprint, and other operations.

INTELLIscribe also includes a command-line program for submitting your print-ready files.