Microsoft's description of computer networking is "File and Printer Sharing." Take that up a step with INTELLIscribe®. You can install INTELLIscribe on a shared printer, and take advantage of our networking in minutes without a change in your network or user procedures.
You'll be Printing to Shared Printers in Minutes
INTELLIscribe merges traditional Windows printing with TCP/IP printing, thereby elevating the entire print environment.
Windows-shared printing does not support Broadcast, Destination Balancing, Failover, Round Robin printing, or a reprint. However, INTELLIscribe DOES!
Easy to Install Software, NO Added Hardware Costs or Maintenance!
INTELLIscribe is software, meaning there is no hardware to install or maintain. Download INTELLIscribe and try it FREE for 21 days. You can also purchase INTELLIscribe online instead of waiting for a hardware solution to arrive through the mail.