RPM LPR Print Action

What it does

Sends your print job to a print server using the LPR protocol.


The LPR print action supports sending your print jobs to a print server anywhere. Sometimes it is faster to use LPR or IP printing to send your print jobs to a high-capacity printer compared to Windows raw print.

RPM also manages this transfer end to end, which is something we can't do for Windows print jobs once they reach the Windows spooler.


LPR print action
  • Host Enter a hostname or IP address here for the system to send your print jobs to
  • Port 515 is the default LPR port
  • Queue Enter the name of the LPR queue here. Some print servers handle each queue name differently; some have a few predefined queues. The LPR protocol requires a name here, so you can't leave the queue blank. Please note that we have documentation for some of the popular print servers.